It puts the heatsink in or it gets the hose again
Before I mounted the LED chip on the heatsink, I put some heatsink paste on the back first. This allows for a better heat transfer between the two surfaces, as there are always imperfections and minor warpages during usage, due to heat that reduces the surface contact area.
More area contact, better transfer, cooler device, longer life.
Now, I am ready to add the chip/heatsink into the case. I screwed it to the existing mound holes on the bottom of the case, with some long screws.
Then I attached the wires from the PSU to the tabs on each side of the chip.
Next, is inserting the reflector panels, which I cut to fit to the new height of the lamp (LED Chip), and I cut a channel for the wires to exit out of.
These reflector panel parts are simply held in place with hot glue holding them to the lip of the case.
*(note: the Focusing Lense was removed and not used in final setup)
Here is the Power Supply Unit (PSU) mounted on the back of the lamp case.
It is held in place with two mounting screws at each end and some hot glue, and the screw mount points are open and pressure hold only. The glue gives added stability and some heat transfer to the case, acting as a low heat, heatsink. This keeps the PSU cool, but does not overheat the case, still keeping it cool to the touch.
Note the wires going into the original terminal point, the black box next to the golden PSU. Extra heat shrink tubing will be added to cover the wires for extra protection and safety.
Here also, you can see the front grill is put back on while I tested it.
And let's see how it looks put together.
(all images can be viewed larger by clicking on them)